The Dawson City Music Festival Association will be hosting our Annual General Meeting, Board Elections, and a Special Bylaw Meeting to vote on changes to our bylaws on Sunday, April 25th at 2:00 pm online!
Register in advance or at the time of the meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZYpcuGsqTsvHtMwB666cIJVbqqya…
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please download Zoom in advance for free and ensure that you will have access to the internet or cellular data at the time of the meeting.
Closed Captioning is not available at this time. Please be advised that the meeting will be recorded and available for viewing by request. Please contact [email protected] to request a video link.
Please feel free to:
-Turn your video off, change your name/use an alias, and mute your microphone to make yourself more comfortable.
-Use the “chat” option to ask questions if you do not feel comfortable asking aloud. You can send a message to the entire group or just to the host.
-Eat and drink as you please, get up for bathroom breaks or stretch breaks – do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable. We simply ask that you mute your microphone when doing so.
Anyone is welcome to attend, however, you must be a member in good standing to vote and make or second motions. If you are not currently a member or need to renew, you can do so by visiting our Canada Helps page: https://bit.ly/2OjkPtp. Be sure to select “membership” from the dropdown menu. Memberships cost $5.00 per person. Memberships can also be purchased by contacting us at [email protected].
Proposed by-law changes to be voted on at the Special Meeting, and our AGM package will be available for review soon and will be posted as a link here.
We have two positions on our Board of Directors to fill. We are looking for committed, compassionate, and progressive community members with fresh ideas to help govern effectively, advance the organization, meet the community’s needs, and have fun while doing it!
The DCMF Board operates using a hybrid model consisting of operational, governance, advisory, and working styles. Currently, the DCMF Board meets bi-weekly for one hour, though we are examining the frequency of meetings. We are looking for individuals who have sufficient time to fulfill the requirements of their position, enthusiasm for the organization, and a willingness to ask questions. Other skills/experience/assets include human resources management, policy development, project management, strategic planning, grant writing, fundraising, communications, public relations, and risk management.
Joining the DCMF Board of Directors is a fantastic opportunity for people living in Dawson City to play a vital role in supporting staff, artists, and community members and to be a part of a progressive music organization.
What does being a Board member involve?
-Serving in an advisory role to the Executive Director
-Volunteering at events and leading Festival committees
-Future thinking governance
-Looking at the bigger picture
-Researching, building, and implementing policies and strategies
-Overseeing human resources
-Financial oversight
If you are interested in running for a position, please fill out our brief nomination form here: https://forms.gle/rUptCmVRNYrd7dEW6
Nominations must be received by Thursday, April 22nd at 11:59 pm PST. Board Elections will take place on Sunday, April 25th, during our online AGM.
Have questions not answered here or on the form about joining the Board? Please contact our Executive Director, Andrea, at [email protected].